


Our Cyber Security  services include the network security services necessary to ensure network operations in accordance with organization’s security policies and procedures. Our services include Monitoring, Operating, Triaging, and Remediation of network incidents from the network core to the perimeter as well as endpoints on the LAN or wireless/mobile networks. Our personnel have expertise in managing Microsoft and Linux operating systems. Our practice is uses ITIL best practices in providing network security support and escalation.

Cloud Services

We operate and manage a 24/7/365 NOC/SOC for enterprise networks. As a part of these operations, we provide:

  • Tier II and Tier III monitoring,
  • critical incident management support,
  • computer security,
  • incident response,
  • IT vulnerability analysis
  • penetration testing.

In addition, we are very proficient in the use of vulnerability management and utilize the best practices in order to increase IT security posture and FISMA/FISCAM regulatory compliance. We apply market leading tools of ArcSight, TippingPoint, SolarWinds, and many others to provide and automate such services.